American Style Fridge Freezers


American Style Fridge Freezers

The American fridge freezer has become one of the most sought after appliances around the world. Newly enriched consumers are finding themselves seeking the status and comforts of the middle-class American lifestyle.

American style fridge freezers - with their large footprint and correspondingly large capacity - are a great hit for the newly well off. Nothing says a family has 'made it' more than large western style appliances in the home.

Large American style refrigerator - along with a kitchen large enough to place it, and a home big enough for that large kitchen - are in some countries becoming important trappings of a high status household.

From the standpoint of practicality and usefulness, American fridge freezers have a lot going for them. These wide side-by-side fridge freezers can store a whole lot of fresh food; thus freeing the owner from the requirement to go to the grocery shops every day or two. For busy professionals - where time is money - this can be a true god send.

These appliances are also nearly always loaded with premium features. Having been designed primarily for the United States market, they are rarely bare basic products. This means that while consumers will pay extra for an American refrigerator, they get a lot of luxury for the dollar.

Common features on these fridges include ice and water dispensers, and carefully thought out storage areas intended to fit common purchases. These include doors that can hold a milk jug, and receptacles for egg cartons.

Apart from these somewhat mundane features some American style refrigerators have luxurious features like LCD televisions, and sometimes - on newer models - even internet connectivity! In recent years, these appliances - being targeted at the discerning shopper - usually have good energy efficiency ratings too.

For the newly enriched consumer looking to upgrade their lifestyle, the American fridge is quality product that will provide both utility and style to their home.


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